Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why I Love My Doctor

I've been having some stomach issues for the past few months. I have been to the doctor before and have tried a couple different things. Since my symptoms persist, I headed back with HMB in tow to get checked out again.

First, let me tell the story of my first meeting with Dr. P: It was December and I needed a physical, I had just run a marathon and felt good and strong. I got weighed and the first thing Dr. P did was circle my weight. "We need to take care of this", he said. "What?" I gasped. I just ran a freaking marathon, I thought to myself. I told this to Dr. P and he reported that humans were indeed meant to run and good for me! We went on to talk about other things and I found that, despite the weight thing, I loved this doctor! He listened to me and asked questions. He was crazy, but he was mine!

This leads me to my current visit. The first thing Dr. P did was ask about HMB: how old, how much does he weigh, does he sleep through the night? HA HA HA! NOPE! We proceed to talk about different things I could possibly have and, of course, Dr. P asks if I am pregnant. I don't think so and I couldn't imagine going through a first trimester with an HMB that doesn't sleep! Dr. P tells me some doctorly things to help my symptoms. As I am walking out he says, "You don't have anything bad, but if you do, we will cure it!!" Sweet, thanks Doc!

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