Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pictures of the visit

Grandma's Visit

My mom and 17 year old brother came out to DC for a visit last week. It was so nice having them here, not just to visit with but wow, SIX hands and one baby is so much easier!!

My mom was actually supposed to come out for my surgery back in May but she wasn't able to make it out. She rescheduled her trip for the end of August but then wasn't able to come out because my brother got caught with a fake ID. Yep, he did. Having a fake ID is not a good idea WHEN YOU ARE 17, but if you DO have one - a word of the wise to my brother: don't get caught!

So after talking to his teachers and his probation officer (!), my mom decided to have my brother come along! I was upset she wasn't able to come when she originally planned but happy to have my brother come out. He really is a great kid and I am SO happy it happened that way. HMB LOVED him! My brother was sleeping on the couch (my mom got the spare room) and every morning, HMB would shuffle out to the family room and say "Hi" to my brother to wake him up.

My brother was so great with HMB, he was patient and helpful and it was so sweet to see them together. My brother is really into working out and often walked around our place with no shirt (at least we don't have to worry much about his self-esteem) and HMB decided he, too, would wear no shirt. So they hung out together, listening to my brother's iPod, eating goldfish crackers, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was hilarious!

I was a little nervious that HMB would be shy around my mom and brother since it's been 5-6 months since we've seen them. But HMB was chatty with them right away, calling for MaMa (Grandma) and reaching for her "rock" necklaces (HMB is obsessed with rocks). My mom even brought me a camera for my computer so we can Skype, something I have been meaning to get myself since my good friend and HMB's possible future wife moved to London! Skype is amazing and I am happy that HMB will be able to "see" and talk to our loved ones who don't live close by.

Overall, we had a wonderful visit with my mom and brother. We didn't do anything exciting, just hung out and talked, watched some college football, ate some good food, and enjoyed each other's company. We were sad when they left but hoping to get out to CO in early November and again over the holidays. Kids change so fast so lots of visits are IMPORTANT!! Besides, it's nice for us to have that extra help :)