Wednesday, July 7, 2010


HMB is obsessed with the refrigerator! We will be playing in the family room and he will casually walk into the kitchen and point, point, point to the fridge! Sometimes I do open it for him. He looks around, takes out a yogurt (even if he JUST had one) and usually plants himself on the little shelf at the bottom.

If I am in the kitchen cooking dinner, HMB will venture in and wait until the moment I open the fridge to get something out and pounce! He likes to re-arrange the salad dressing, taking them from the door to the little ledge mentioned above that he sometimes sits on. Occasionally, HMB will attempt to climb up the shelves in search of milk and other fun items.

I try hard not to let him play in the fridge, knowing how much energy he is wasting by having that door wide open! Secret confession time: when he is playing in the fridge, I am free to make dinner (for 5 minutes) without having to hold HMB, or give him a cracker, or keep him from pulling my shorts/pants down (a new favorite, only at home thank goodness). So I do sometimes relish those 5 minutes and let the door stay open...

Since HMB also has a "transfer Goldfish crackers and veggie chips from one Tupperware container to another" obsession, I can usually distract him away from the fridge. But anytime he is in the kitchen with me and I have to get something out of the fridge, I am very aware of little hands flying out in order to stop the door from closing so he can have his salad dressing party!

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