Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Road Trip

Before I start this post, I was inspired by a friend who blogs and has stopped referring to her husband as "my husband" and calls him MM. I also find writing my husband ever time to be long and unnecessary, especially when his name is shorter than the word husband! Since I post pictures and my name is on this blog, I will call him by his first name from now on (Chris). Besides the fact that pretty much all the readers know his name anyway.

OK, now that that's out of way :) Let's discuss the road trip we all took this past weekend. We decided to go to an alumni picnic up in Pittsburgh so Chris could see some of his old college friends and show off his cute HMB (and me?). We planned on making it just a one night trip, leaving Saturday morning and coming back early Sunday morning. Friday morning, HMB was sitting on the couch, before his nap, but after playing at the gym daycare, and puked all over. He had chugged some milk earlier that morning so needless to say, the puke was pretty gross. We changed clothes and HMB had a quick bath before he napped.

Do I freak out yet? This was his first bad vomiting session but it was all milk so it definitely could have been that the milk didn't agree with him, right? Also, the day before we had been running errands and HMB had been in and out of potentially germ-infested shopping carts and at least one public bathroom. So maybe he had a little bug? After the nap, HMB seemed to be completely fine. I stuck him in the jogging stroller and we walked over to a Happy Hour with my former co-workers. He happily played, ate a waffle fry dipped in ketchup and caressed the waitresses leg when she came over to clear some glasses from our table.

Fast forward to Friday night, another puking session. HMB didn't get a bath this time, I was so tired I tossed all of our clothes into the tub, toweled us both off, and back to sleep we went. HMB woke up happy as could be. Do we still go to Pittsburgh? HMB is so happy and he would have so much fun playing, and he seems to be all right except for the puking? Chris and I decided that he was OK and we could still go.

About an hour or so into the trip, HMB throws up again, in the car this time. Fortunately, by some miracle, he mostly puked to his right side, so clean up (with all the wipes I had with me) wasn't too bad. We stripped him down and put a new outfit on him and he was running around the parking lot in no time. We called my mom, and Chris' mom, for some guidance on what to do. Chris' mom decided that he didn't have the flu since he wasn't feverish or even really crabby. Do we go on to the picnic or turn around? Again, we decided that HMB would have a lot of fun playing at the picnic and he was fine otherwise, full of energy, strangely enough. So we stayed our course.

We made it to the picnic without any more vomiting and HMB was actually great on the car ride. He took an hour nap and woke up with a smile. As we thought, HMB was in heaven at the picnic. He played in the water with the big kids (prompting another outfit change), ran around the jungle gym/playground and overall had a great time. Chris and I had decided to drive home that same night (about 4 hours) for a couple of reasons - one being we were supposed to stay with a friend who has a 5 month old baby and we did not want to get him sick! We also thought HMB would be better in his own bed in case something did happen, even though puke did not make an appearance at the picnic, thank goodness!

As we said out good-byes and headed over to the car, we noticed something peculiar about the left rear tire. It was flat. I must quickly tell you all about my tire karma. It's bad. I must have done something to tires in a past life because they don't like me. I once had every single tire go flat in one car, all within about a month. When I turned in my last car (the lease was up), I drove Chris' Jeep Wrangler. He had the Jeep for 6 years with no flats. I had the car a month and had a flat (those suckers are HARD to change). I drove Chris' beloved Volvo C70 to my first mom's night out after HMB was born. As soon as I pulled into this amazing parallel space in DC, I heard the sssssss sound. Really? Tire karma is getting me on mom's night??

Anyway, needless to say I have had a lot of experience changing flat tires. I once changed a flat in front of a client when I was doing home-based therapy, in SE DC. It was actually very good for our therapeutic relationship after she saw I was sort of a tire changing bad ass. And although I had not had to change the tire on this car (Ford Escape SUV), I had a bunch of big, strong men to help me out (and the directions on how to do it).

We got the tire changed but realized it was way to late to get it fixed anywhere. The friends we were supposed to stay with told us it was fine to stay with them, especially since HMB hadn't had an incident all day. So we stopped at a SuperWalmart for some food and headed to their place. HMB was asleep as soon as he hit the bed and seemed to be doing all right. At about 1am, I woke up to see HMB writhing around on the bed next to me (Chris was sleeping downstairs on the couch). I was hoping and praying this was not a precursor to some puking. My hopes and prayers were not answered and HMB puked all over the comforter. He didn't seem to be any calmer and I was worried there was more left to come out. I wrapped him in a towel and took him downstairs to get help from Chris. While standing on the hardwood floor, HMB let it all out. Then he was fine, laughing and playing with his dad while I did some major cleaning. HMB and I also took a bath and went back to sleep.

Sadly, this was not the end of the vomiting for the night. However, this time I was prepared!! I had a towel with me and as HMB woke up whimpering at about 4am, I held him and armed myself with the towel. ALL the puke went into the towel! HMB went right back to sleep, I rinsed out the towel, and we all slept until 7:30am.

After some strong coffee and lots of apologizing (our friends were completely fine with everything), we headed to a Pep Boys and got our car flat fixed (there was some metal in the tire). HMB was in a good mood, even eating some crackers and fruit for breakfast. The car ride home was uneventful except for some traffic that made us late for our softball game. And NO PUKING! Let me mention here that we were out of clean outfits for HMB and down to one clean pair of pajamas. Thank goodness for that SuperWalmart, I bought HMB a new pair of shorts and shirt. Even though I couldn't wash them before he wore them, I decided this was better than him going around naked or in long sleeved (but very cute) pajamas in 90 degree weather.

The past couple nights have been rough, I don't know if at night, HMB still isn't feeling well? But he has been an eating machine the past two days so I know he HMB is definitely feeling a lot better overall. We survived our rough weekend and even though I know there will be more, it's nice to get that first one out of the way!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I will start with the good! HMB is a talking fool, he loves to chat away, whether we understand him or not. His most recent trick - he will pick up our cell phones and say "H'lo?" Not hi or hello, but H'lo and it's freaking adorable! His vocabulary is expanding, which is amazing, funny, and scary at the same time! What happened to my BABY?? Ball, dog, more, no, yeah, bath, night night and nap, milk, bite (as in, give me a bite of your food), and airplane are all at the top of his favorite word list. He also says book but really accentuates the K in a way that makes him sound like he is Russian. I have no idea if this explanation makes sense written down, though? HMB will say other words as well, pretty much repeat after us, but the above words are ones he will say without prompting and uses on a regular basis.

The bad: I think HMB is getting a molar. I feel like it's been trying to pop through for a long time, too long maybe! It makes for a very cranky and drooly toddler at times. His disposition overall is still pretty good, but worse during the "witching" hour and right before his nap. I am hoping this damn tooth pops out soon. Oh wait, then it will be time for another one to come in!!

And the ugly: We seem to have regressed significantly in regards to sleep. A week and a half ago, when we returned from the beach, HMB slept in his bed all night. He has not had a night like that since. Most nights he still sleeps in his bed for a few hours, but it's gotten earlier and earlier that he wakes up and less and less likely that he ends up back in his crib.

So there it is. I am really hoping the bad and the ugly get a little better soon. But at least we have the good to focus on in the meantime!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Milk Boycott of 2010

For the first 8 months of his life, HMB was a chubster! He weighed in at about 19 lbs at his 6 month check-up! He slowed down considerably since then and hovers around the 23 pound mark now, losing a few ounces back in February when he was sick, then gaining it back after awhile.

Since introducing solid foods, I would not say that HMB was a great eater. He definitely preferred breastfeeding to anything else. Slowly, he started to eat more and now he will routinely put away: 2 baby yogurts, half a piece of toast with peanut butter, broccoli with dip, and some goldfish in a sitting. In addition to the food, I still give HMB milk at least twice, usually 3-4 times per day. Since he didn't start taking a bottle until he was 13 months old, I was still giving him his milk in bottle in the morning and evening.

Since HMB never took a bottle, we didn't have too many bottles and nipples on hand. When he had the occasional bottle, we used the generic nipples we got for free from the hospital and those seems to work just fine. As many of you know, with babies comes losing things. I was down to two nipples until one day HMB decided to chuck his bottle on the hardwood floor and the nipple cracked, spilling milk everywhere. Down to one...until that one also cracked (I think I actually dropped that last one).

At first, I tried to give HMB some Born Free bottles that I had and that didn't work out so well. I then bought some more generic type of nipples (and bottles) and those didn't do the trick either. Wait a minute, HMB is almost one and a half, can't he stop drinking from a bottle? YES, yes he can! So I bought a few more sippy cups and went for it. HMB is now not interested in drinking milk from the cups either!

So do we have a milk boycott on our hands? HMB might be getting what he needs from his food so he doesn't need the milk, but I would think that first thing in the morning he would be hungry enough to drink some milk? HMB also used to get a little bit of Pediasure in his milk (the doc suggested this after he lost weight being sick) and we stopped doing that a few weeks ago. So maybe straight milk isn't sweet enough for him? I really don't want to have to top his milk off wiht Pediasure to get him to drink it!

All I know is, HMB is certainly not starving and he will eat when he wants to eat, he will eat A LOT when he wants to eat A LOT! And he seems to be getting bigger! We'll see!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beach Highlights

My husband's dad and his girlfriend rented a beach house in Virginia Beach for the week. We are about 3 hours away (no traffic) so we ventured down on Friday night after our softball game to take HMB to his first swim in the Atlantic Ocean. We had already been in the Pacific Ocean during our trip to CA last August. It's true, the Atlantic in Virginia in June was warmer than the Pacific in Half Moon Bay in August!

Anyway, I though I would offer some highlights of the trip:
-HMB passed out about 20 minutes into the drive and slept until we had about 20 minutes left. It was wonderful (except when he decided that he was awake when we got there and proceeded to play for an hour or so - at 1am). It was actually pretty cute!

-HMB LOVES sand. He loves playing in the sand and being very sandy. He loves eating sand and doesn't mind having it all over his chubby little body.

-HMB LOVES the ocean! He kept on going back for more, wanting to go further into the water. He loves the waves crashing down on him, as long as he was aware when they would crash into his face!

-Running near the beach in 95 degree heat is a little tough. But I knew were were having fajitas that night so I persevered!

-We did bring the Pack n Play but were too tired the first night to set it up. So HMB slept with me in one of the two single beds in our room. He tossed and turned before falling asleep and I DO think he actually likes his space...but he also likes to know I am there! More on the sleep thing in a minute!

-My husband's sort of step-sister actually lives in VA Beach and she came over with her little boys 13 and 21 months old. HMB ran up to the 13 month old, gave him a giant hug and while attempting to smooch him, they both fell over. HMB thought it was hilarious, but the other little boy did not and he cried. We need to teach HMB how to be a little less exuberant with his hugging and smooching.

-It was my husband's birthday on Sunday so we had a cake. Both he and HMB enjoyed it very much! I did taste the icing and it was delicious!

-The ride home was not fun, we sat with all the other beach traffic and HMB napped for about an hour. He was good, though, and played with toys and ate some licorice (yeah, I know). We made it home and HMB had a great night sleep (9pm-5am) in his crib!

Side note on sleep: After the 9pm-5am, HMB lasted only until 3am last night. I got him and rocked him for a bit but I made the mistake of sitting down on the couch, next thing I know it's 6:30am and my husband is leaving for work. Damn, I meant to put him right back in his crib! Why do you even pick him up, you might ask? Well, we have learned that the longer he cries, the more agitated he gets and the less likely he will get himself back to sleep in a reasonable time. And we can't fall back asleep until he does (living in 800 sq feet will do that). But if we either pat his back or pick him up for a minute and get him calm, he will usually go back to the crib (not always, of course). Needless to say, we are still dealing with an HMB as far as sleep goes but we are working on it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beach Picture

More to come on the trip but wanted to post a couple of pictures!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Week in the Life...

It's true, I am not a very good blogger! It's been almost a week since the last post! And the reason why I love so many blogs is because of frequent posts (and good content, of course). Although we have had a busy week, which I would love to talk more about :)

Mondays are always a little hectic since I provide supervision to a group of counselors, which means wake up, go to gym, hurry home for HMB's nap, respond to e-mails, eat, shower and get ready during that time, head to supervision, and, if necessary, do any errands afterward. It's definitely no harder than any other day a working mom has and for this, I praise mom's who work full-time!

This Tuesday we had to take my husband's car to get fixed. Instead of us both trekking out to the dealership in the suburbs, my husband promised me it would be an hour job and HMB and I could wait for the car. I dropped the car off at 8am, all bright eyed and chipper. After the drop-off, HMB and I walked to the drug store, perused the aisles, and bought some Father's Day cards. Then headed to Starbucks and had coffee and a gluten free snack. All the while I had my phone on LOUD ring just in case the dealership called. After HMB had climbed on every chair and table and eaten goldfish off the floor, we headed back.

Once back at the dealership we waited in their waiting area (which is, to their credit, a pretty nice area complete with a coffee machine and two lounge areas). And we waited...and waited. After THREE hours, I went down to check it out. Soon, I was promised. OK, HMB had been doing really well up to this point. I had come prepared with goldfish, fruit, and milk but that's about it. We were both a little hungry and he was getting to the point where he needed a nap so badly he was spinning like a top! I made sure they had my cell number again and HMB and I trekked out to a grocery store nearby.

And lo and behold, when we returned, FOUR hours after we dropped off the car, it was ready. But....yep, there is a but....they couldn't fix it all because "someone" had spilled something in the window and the whole system had shorted. Of course they didn't have the part so I had to come back again on Thursday. The man looked me in the eyes and said, "It will take 25 minutes, and you heard this from me". OK, I can handle that. HMB napped on the way home and I was able to get a reservation at the gym for the afternoon.

Wednesday was Wednesday and I ran a lot of errands in order to get our condo ready to be placed on the market and seen by the general public. This also included attempting to buy a bathing suit (or really those boy shorts and something to cover up my belly). I did not succeed whatsoever with the suit but did get some skirts and a dress on sale.

Thursday, up early and heading to the dealership with HMB still in his jammies rubbing his eyes. We get thre before 8am but they open at 7am so no problem right? Well, the woman tells me it will be about an hour. Wait a second, I was told 25 minutes! Yeah, she says, but our technicians are just getting in and some aren't here yet. Ah, ok, no biggie. HMB and I head to our regular route, hitting up the drug store then Starbucks. We go back and wait and make friends with a nice woman who told me to start investing in HMB's college now because he will definitely be an engineed. I didn't have the heart to tell her that HMB was actually planning on going to college on a scholarship and become an NFL long snapper.

After an hour and a half I am getting crabby and so is HMB. He was doing really well, especially after I got the M&Ms! He particularly likes the yellow ones, probably because he can say yellow. I go down and check and I am told that it will be soon. I wanted to shout "You looked me in the eye and told me 25 minutes!!" But of course I did not. Oh wait, no, just kidding, we are having more issues and now the back windows will not go down.

Now, I am all about putting things in perspective and this is so not the worse thing ever. BUT, I also have commitments today that I would like to keep and this affects other people. I tell him this and he offers a loaner car. I accept, even though getting the car seat out is slightly painstaking, I don't even care. A technician is able to get the car seat out and just as we are bringing it to other car, he comes out "It's fixed". SWEET! So we put the car seat back in, I get the key, and we are all happy!

Lesson learned people, always just drop the damn car off and go back and pick it up! Through it all, HMB was pretty awesome, I must say. He was making friends and chatting with everyone he saw. He also tried to stick his head through the railing and climbed on top of the newspaper rack, but he's just curious! He also took the satellite card out of the tv, fell over on the little chair about 10 times, pressed the button for water about 10 times, sang loudly every time we walked by someone on the phone, and overll had a great time!! And I love that about him!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Some updates

I just thought I would give you all some updates, especially since it's been awhile since I posted anything - sorry! First, my recovery is going very well. I have seen both my endocrinologist and surgeon and everything seems to be healing nicely. I started my synthroid and I am HOPING that it all goes well with the dosage.

The surgeon was very nice and gave me the go ahead to strength train as I see fit. Since my throat does feel a little tight, I see fit to wait another day! I have been running (slowly, as usual) and even played softball last night and felt pretty good. I did find out that my thyroid was very enlarged and very obviously had been hyper. So I guess it's a good thing it was removed?!

On to my next update: HMB and sleeping. I haven't wanted to post about this, just thinking about posting it makes me nervous that I will junx it and we will be back to square one. BUT...HMB has been sleepig in his crib all night! Not always THROUGH the night, as he has been waking up once at about 2:30am, but he goes back into his crib after a little rocking and sleeps until about 6:30am. A couple of things I think are helping: we FINALLY have a routine and no more BF at night (or during the day).

Really, why didn't we, COULDN'T we have a bedtime routine until now? I'm not sure why, but we do now and it's very helpful. HMB gets a bath, gets into his jammies, he has his milk, we brush teeth, read a book and to sleep he goes! Even with softball, we came home (late), he still went into the bathtub to start off the routine. The no BF has helped because when he does wake up at night, HMB doesn't NEED to BF to get back to sleep!

It has been a week, so not that long, but maybe long enough for HMB to get into his routine (I hope). I wanted to wait a week to post, because of superstitous reason, which I hoep is just ridiculous, but I will let you all know :) Props to HMB, we KNEW you could do it!!