Friday, August 14, 2009

My, how time flies

I am a horrible blogger, it's true! HMB is now almost 7 months old!! What is STILL our biggest challenge, you ask? SLEEPING! HMB has been great with naps. It's the nighttime that we still have issues with. Why do you still wake up so much, HMB? Why can you not get to sleep by yourself? HMB usually goes down around 9:30pm (sometimes earlier depending upon that last nap). Inevitably, he will wake up between 12 and 1am. I usually feed him at this point, which isn't too bad because he still breastfeeds. Then it's anyone's guess - will he go back in his crib? Will he toss and turn in our bed? Will he be awake for an hour? This goes on until about 5am when he decides to sleep (usually in our bed) until about 7 or 8am.

OK, enough about the bad stuff!! HMB smiles at anyone and everyone and people in the store can't help but smile back and say "What a happy baby!". He LOVES people and loves to be "in the mix". He is a happy baby!

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